Are you a property owner wanting to develop your lot? (e.g., add an addition; build a new structure from scratch)
We encourage all developers to meet with the HCA zoning committee and their neighbours prior to submitting your plans to the City. In fact, the City’s own forms for processes such as the Committee of Adjustment (CoA) ask if you have met with your community association and neighbours. Email and put “zoning” in the subject line if you want to get in touch with the zoning committee co-chairs. Please briefly explain why you want to contact them.
We also highly recommend that you review the following resources that answer frequently asked questions before you contact the zoning co-chairs:
- The City’s handout on building or renovating in a mature neighbourhood
- The City’s Tree Protection By-law
- The HCA Builders Code of Conduct, which clearly lays out what we expect from all developers and builders working on projects in our
- The City’s new excavation & shoring requirements and consent agreements (as of June 1, 2022)
- City of Ottawa Vacant Unit Tax (approved in May 2022) with the Vacant Property By-law coming into effect November 1, 2022.
Information about planting: Our Environment Committee has prepared handouts as part of our Greening Hintonburg Together initiative. We encourage developers to contribute to this initiative. Check out our handouts on Planting Trees and Shrubs in Small Spaces and Growing a Native Species & Pollinator Garden.
Do you own or rent close to a lot that is being developed?
Here are some tips on how you can stay informed and have your say about the development projects around you:
- If you want to stay up-to-date on development news in Hintonburg, sign up for Councillor Jeff Leiper’s e-newsletter. It provides a thorough summary of development and zoning information each week. Councillor Leiper’s office also maintains helpful information about current developments in the ward and recordings of open houses on various developments on the Kitchissippi Ward website.
- Attend an HCA zoning committee meeting when projects near you are being discussed. You can learn more about the projects and provide feedback at that meeting. Email and put “zoning” in the subject line to find out about upcoming zoning meetings.
- Attend the City’s Committee of Adjustment hearing if there is one for the project near you. Prepare ahead of time to speak–comments from neighbours can greatly influence decisions because they provide a unique perspective on the impact of proposed projects. If there is a City of Ottawa Planning Committee meeting, you can do the same. Review the Federation of Citizens’ Associations of Ottawa (FCA) workshop on best practices at the CoA which you may find helpful if you plan to present.
- Be aware of the information the HCA and the City provides to developers and be aware of your rights relating to the building process as neighbours. (See the links in the “Advice for developers and neighbours” section above.)
- Ask to meet with the developer/builder to learn about the project.
- If you have additional questions, email the HCA ( and put “zoning” in the subject line) or reach out to Councillor Jeff Leiper’s office.
- If you are having issues with a development next to you, consider contacting us. We have been working with several neighbours whose homes have been adversely affected by developments next to them. Email and put “impact of developments on my home/property” in the subject heading. You may also find our handout on useful contacts for construction issues helpful.
Related topics:
Check out information about our zoning committee here.
Check out the HCA’s statement on intensification and infill here.