Hintonburg’s transition over the years has resulted in it becoming a terrific place to live and work. As well, it is a desirable, central, and walkable destination for food, shopping and nightlife for the region. Along with these positive changes comes certain challenges.
A sea change of sorts has been felt along Wellington W. since the onset of good weather in late May with a noticeable increase in aggressive panhandling, public consumption of alcohol, thefts, vandalism, graffiti and other activities that can contribute to an environment that feels unsafe.
It would be wrong to assign the blame for such activities to any single property, program or socio-demographic group. Our society is much more complex than that. Indeed such changes have been felt elsewhere in the city along Bank St., Montreal Rd, the Byward Market and Rideau Street over the last two years. It was inevitable that Hintonburg and west into Wellington Village/Westboro would begin to experience similar activities.
There are a number of contributing factors including:
- Ottawa now has a population of 934,000 with over 1.3 million in the National Capital Region. With increased density and population, big city issues arise.
- Hintonburg is no longer near or adjacent to downtown, it is a downtown neighbourhood.
- We are experiencing a pan-Canadian opioid crisis.
- Income inequity is widening thus putting pressures on low-income earners in the city core as it becomes more expensive and unaffordable.
As a community we have always strived to help keep crime to a minimum and keep our vibrant neighbourhood safe. The HCA, though our Safety & Security Committee, always reaches out and works with you (our neighbours), local businesses, our City Councilor, Community Policing Centre Officer, the police in general, city by-law officials, other elected officials, social program administrators and a great many other stakeholders. Through these efforts better communications, greater understanding and collaborative problem solving are the usual results.
Our eyes on the street are an important component in ensuring that Hintonburg continues to be a dynamic and diverse community that is safe and invigorating for all.
If you experience or see aggression, violence, theft, racism, unsafe conditions or any illegal activity, report it! As well, let us know through info@hintonburg.com so we can follow up with law enforcement officials and monitor trends. Also make sure our Community Police Officer, Constable Neilly is also aware through NeillyD@ottawapolice.ca or 613-295-2790. Reporting is so important: awareness amongst stakeholders is key to finding solutions to security issues.
Emergency situations should be called into 9-1-1! Call when there is:
- an immediate threat to a person or property
- sexual assault
- in-progress crime including fights
- a break and enter
- suspicious activities that indicate an imminent criminal act such as prowlers or vandals
Non emergency calls to have an officer dispatched: 613-236-1222, extension 1 followed by extension 2. Included are:
- suspicious activity
- aggressive activity that could escalate
- public nuisance or intoxication
- aggressive panhandling
Other non-emergency reports should be filed on-line here.
Or call the Police Reporting Unit at 613-236-1222, ext 7300 to file a verbal report.
Included are:
- theft (after the fact)
- lost property
- mischief/damage to property (after the fact)
- theft from vehicles
- traffic complaints
- drug complaints
- fraud
- hate crimes
- adding information to an existing report
Ours is a safe community. We will continue to follow-up with any concerns that you may have about unacceptable behaviour in this neighbourhood. We need you to stay in touch.
Yes, the neighbourhood is certainly changing, but mostly for the better. Let’s keep it that way.