Stay connected!
There are many ways to stay connected with our activities…
Sign-up for our newsletter: This is our main way of communicating with both HCA members and the wider community. The newsletter is emailed twice a month. Go to the “Sign Up For Our Newsletter” portion of the footer at the bottom of any page on this website, fill in your email address and click on “Sign UP” and you are done. You may unsubscribe at any time.
Follow us on social media:
You can also email us directly at
Stay on top what is happening in Hintonburg and Kitchissippi News; we also recommend:
- Councillor Jeff Leiper’s weekly emails: The HCA does not endorse any politicians or political parties. However, Councillor Leiper’s email updates provide the most up-to-date news about developments and other issues in the neigbhourhood including issues that we don’t cover in our newsletters.
- Wellington West BIA weekly emails: The WWBIA weekly emails include news about business activity in Hintonburg and Wellington Village including special events, job opportunities at local businesses, and more; and
- Kitchissippi Times email newsletter: KT sends out regular emails to keep you connected to what is happening in the wider Kitchissippi ward.