
Online Trivia Night Supporting Wellington West Businesses

A community trivia night was held on Friday, May 22nd to raise awareness of the various ways community members can continue to support our cherished merchants in Hintonburg and Wellington Village.

During these extraordinary times, social distancing prevents us from doing what comes naturally to us: quickly rushing together to help each other out during difficult times. During a recent HCA discussion on how to best serve the community during the COVID-19 shutdown, board director Sacha Nandlall suggested that we convene a virtual town hall to bring folks together in solidarity with local merchants which resonated well as a great idea to explore. 

We reached out to our western friends at the Wellington Village Community Association (WVCA), the Wellington West Business Improvement Area (WWBIA) and our city councillor to see what we could cook up. Ensuing brainstorming evolved the idea into a prize-laden trivia contest and town hall with community association members, our city councillor, and our business improvement area executive director as hosts. The goal of the night was to promote local businesses in Wellington West, while bringing the community together for a fun activity.

The trivia night was held on Friday May 22, 2020 via a Zoom webinar channel graciously provided by Invest Ottawa for the evening. The event was well attended and received, with prizes awarded in the form of gift certificates redeemable at Wellington West local businesses. Participants were treated to multiple rounds of trivia covering Wellington West, Ottawa, and general knowledge. In between trivia rounds, local businesses were spotlighted through interviews and prize drawings. The executive director and the city councillor for Kitchissippi ward also participated. 

Some numbers from the event:
– 115 participants
– $700 in prizes, all going to local businesses in Wellington West
– 26 prizes awarded (9 for trivia winners, 17 by random drawing from participants)
– 5 organizations collaborating to host (HCA, WWBIA, WVCA, Invest Ottawa, City Councillor’s office)
– 4 rounds of trivia
– 3 HCA sponsors highlighted (HPH, PranaShanti, Jamari)
– 3 interviews with local business owners (Stella Luna, HPH, PranaShanti)

Many thanks to:
– Sacha Nandlall (HCA board director)

– Josh Nutt (HCA board director)
– Breanna Durnin (HCA board director)
– Larry Hudon (HCA board director)
– Dennis van Staalduinen (WWBIA executive director)
– Kevin Framingham (WWBIA marketing and communications manager)
– Kimberly Patriquin (WVCA president)
– Councillor Jeff Leiper and Fiona Mitchell (councillor’s office)
– Nickie Shobeiry (Invest Ottawa)

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