
Newsletter – November 30th, 2020

Hello Hintonburg residents,

Lots of news including everything from vacant properties to snow moles…
Read on!

1. Vacant Properties in Hintonburg — What can be done?

Our city is in the midst of a housing crisis and yet dozens of vacant houses and boarded up in Hintonburg.

The HCA presented at the City Community & Protective Services Committee budget meeting on Nov. 19 on the issuy. We propose a tax on vacant property to reduce speculation from taking affordable housing off the market long before redevelopment.

Check out more information here  and watch the video below made by Cheryl Parrott, one of our longtime HCA Board members.

If you would like to take action, we recommend writing to the mayor and cc’ing all of the city councillors as Councillor Leiper is on board to address this issue but there would need to be a vote at council.

Cheryl Parrott presenting to the City Community & Protective Services Committee on vacant houses.
2. Plans for Cyclists and Pedestrians on Scott Street

Last week, Councillor Leiper hosted a presentation about the Scott Street Corridor.  There were some very interesting changes proposed between Bayview and Churchill for both pedestrians and cyclists.

You can watch the presentation or check out the PDF with more information here.

3. Snow on our sidewalks and what you can do about it!

We hope the picture to the right captured your attention! This photograph isn’t from Hintonburg and I don’t think any of us remember this much snow on our streets, but…

It can be extremely hard to get around in the winter using our sidewalks.

The HCA is supporting the Council on Aging in their Snow Mole Program.  Snow Moles are volunteers who report on what it’s like to walk outside on a winter day in Ottawa. The information they gather will be used by the Council on Aging of Ottawa (COA) to inform the City and others of ways that winter walkability can and should be improved.

Anyone can be a snow mole. If you are interested, contact us at and put “Snow Mole” in the subject heading.

4. Carleton Tavern Christmas Meal at Parkdale United Church

The 20th Annual Carleton Tavern Christmas meal is going ahead this year with a slightly different format.

We are partnering with Parkdale United Church to see how we can provide meals safely in takeout format.This year donations of money are more useful – either through Go Fund me page or dropped off at the Carleton Taverm. Please consider donating if you can.

Check out the facebook event here.
We’ll share more information closer to the day.

Zoning, infill, & development news
Our volunteer-run zoning and development committee is always busy with a number of proposals for the neighbourhood.

If you want to stay up on development news in Hintonburg, we recommend that you sign up for Councillor Leiper’s e-newsletters as he provides a thorough summary of development and zoning information each week.

If you wish to join the HCA zoning committee to hear about their upcoming meetings and topics being discussed, email and put ‘Please add to zoning committee’ in the subject heading.

Donations are needed for the Tom Brown Respite Centre

Pulled from Councillor Leiper’s recent e-blast: Residents have asked how they can best welcome our neighbours using the centre, and City staff have provided me with the following:Please find below a list of items that would be extremely useful in meeting the needs of the clients for the Tom Brown Respite Center. We would welcome any of the following:

  • Recommended new men and women’s clothing or accessories in all sizes (small, medium and large)
  • Underwear and long johns (new only)
  • Socks (new only)
  • Winter Coats
  • Sweaters
  • Pants
  • Winter accessories; hats, gloves, scarves
  • Belts
  • Blankets
  • Back packs
We also welcome more toiletries (new products only):
  • Deodorant
  • Shaving cream
  • Razors
  • Hair accessories; combs, hair ties, brushes
  • Fabric mask donations are also always welcome
To donate, residents from the neighbourhood may email or call 613.809.1731 to set up an appointment for drop-off during operational hours. Remember to follow physical distancing when dropping off donations. Thank you in advance for your generosity and support.

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