Please find below the latest update (March 8th, 2019) from the City of Ottawa regarding the status of Magee House. It speaks for itself but does not contain any hard dates or deadlines.
To summarize where we are, building permits have been issued, stabilization plans have been approved and the work orders remain in effect. Ice and snow are cited as a possible cause for delay. With the arrival of warm weather this week, we can hope for that particular set of impediments to disappear.
We continue to watch closely and are considering our options should work not proceed in a timely fashion. We need our sidewalk and parking spots back.
From the City:
“Following an on-site pre-construction meeting with engineers and contractors on Tuesday, March 5, the owner is expected to provide the City of Ottawa, as soon as possible, with a schedule for when planned stabilization work on Magee House is likely to start. The work is anticipated to begin within a matter of days.
“City staff have previously been in contact with the engineer, to discuss whether the work to brace the building could be done in tandem with work to construct overhead sidewalk protection. The engineer is fundamentally supportive of this plan, and City staff will ensure the work schedule reflects the need to return street traffic and parking to normal as soon as possible.
“Before construction can begin, however, the rubble from the initial collapse will need to be removed carefully from its current location, for potential re-use in restoring the building. With ice and snow covering the rubble, that cleanup work might take longer than expected to complete.
“The owner has indicated he is now in possession of a recently completed Designated Substance Report, which quantifies hazardous substances that may be integral to the building. The owner has not indicated there would be any scheduling impediments as a result of any hazardous substances.”