Join in the Kitchissippi-wide Community Garage Sale!
It’s time to clean out your house and we’re here to help! Councillor Jeff Leiper & many Kitchissippi community associations are organizing a Kitchissippi-wide garage sale on June 1st (rain date June 2). If you live in these neighbourhoods, we encourage you to participate.
-Champlain Park
-Civic Hospital
-Hampton Iona
-Island Park
-Wellington Village
-Westboro Beach
Tips for sellers:
-Promote your own sale. You can add your address to this event. However, consider putting the word out in other ways (social media; invite your friends; put up signs on your street corners)
-If June 1st is a bit rainy, YOU choose whether to hold off until Sunday (our recommended rain date) or go ahead on the Saturday. We won’t be making a decision.
-We encourage sales to start at 8am but you set your own start/end times.
-Didn’t sell all your stuff but want it gone? All garage sales (who want to) are encouraged to leave your items out throughout the afternoon with a “Free” sign. Start time for the free giveaway is your choice but please clean up by 6pm! An alternative is that Ottawa’s official Spring Give Away Weekend is June 8-9th.
More info here:
-Let’s make our Kitchissippi garage sale a bit of a community party. Kids can run lemonade stands, musicians can play on porches, and more!
-Some community associations are encouraging donations to a charity of your choice.