
Hintonburg & Wellington Village Spring Cleanup

We were washed out and are now utilizing our rain date.   May 5th is the time to clean up our communities. Come out and join your neighbours and have some fun.

  • Registration is between 9:00 – 10:30 a.m.  The rain date is Saturday, May 5th.
  • Lunch for volunteers will be hosted by The Hintonburger at noon.
  • Yard waste and garbage bags will be provided.
  • Bring your gardening gloves and a rake or broom to clean up.
  • Prizes for all children  will be donated by Giant Tiger.
  • Coffee will be provided by Cyclelogik. Don’t forget your mug!

Drop by the basement meeting room to learn about OBEC’s new Hintonburg Community Sustainability Plan

See you there.

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