
HCA’s new updated constitution

On June 13th, 2024, the Hintonburg Community Association held a general membership meeting at the Hintonburg Community Centre, where the membership voted in favour of an updated HCA Constitution. The Constitution was revised in compliance with the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA) which is coming into effect in the fall and requires all Not-for-Profits registered in Ontario to comply with the provincial legislation.

The HCA Board of Directors spent over 18 months learning about ONCA, proposing changes to the constitution, consulting other community associations, and making draft revisions, in preparation for the General Membership meeting in mid-June. See the attached meeting documents for your information.

Thanks so much to the HCA members who came out and voted in person as well as those who voted online – your engagement is greatly appreciated!

Click here for the new constitution.

Click here for the PPT slides from the meeting.

Click here for the draft minutes from the meeting. (The minutes will be voted on at our AGM in September.)



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