
HCA Opposes Development Proposal for 900 Albert Street.

The City’s planning committee approved the proposal for 900 Albert Street by TIP Albert GP Inc.  this morning. Final approval will be considered by our city council tomorrow.  You can read an article by CBC News about the submission by clicking here   Please see our letter to city council below.


Dear Council, Dear Planning Committee Members,

The Hintonburg Community Association fully supports the views of Councillor Catherine McKenney, the Dalhousie Community Association and the Federation of Citizens’ Associations of Ottawa in opposition to the proposal as submitted to committee and council for an official zoning and by-law amendment for 900 Albert Street by TIP Albert GP Inc.
Although 900 Albert falls just outside of our community association’s boundaries, it abuts us and will have a significant impact on the quality of life in Hintonburg and west along the light rail corridor. We are committed to ensuring the development of 900 Albert be done in a manner that integrates the project in positive ways with the surrounding communities along Albert, Preston, Scott and Bayview as well as the north-south multi-use pathway along the O-train rail corridor.
The developer and planning staff have failed to meet the concerns expressed by the surrounding communities and stakeholders on previous proposals for the site.
Here are the salient points of our opposition:
  • The Interface at ground level needs to better integrate with the existing community and amenities providing a people-oriented street animation. This proposal would dominate not integrate with its surroundings . The current community design provides for 30 story developments; the proposal more than doubles the height limits. That being said, we feel that getting the street level and podium design correct is the main issue
  • The proposal does not conform with the existing community design plan, the secondary plan and zoning by-laws. The integrity of such documents, developed with much effort with many stakeholders, is very short-lived with amendments becoming routine rather than exceptional.
  • Section 37 benefits seem to be at a low level for a project of such scale. Amenities such as parks and  recreational facilities will be needed accommodate the influx of families will be required. Section 37 beneifits should be increased with a critical eye on any drawdowns that are not community-wide benefits.
  • Too many parking spaces are being provided for a series of towers whose heights are being rationalized by their proximity to light rail public transit. The location should provide a generous modal mix of transportation opportunities including walking, cycling and public transit. Services like Vrtucar and Uber also help with the mix. This proposal will lead to a significant increase in vehicle traffic, both by project residents, commercial tenants and delivery services. Traffic is already a huge concern in the west-central urban centre
  • The south side of the proposal seems to be a blank 2 story wall with loading docks leading up to the setback tower facing the municipal path. It provides a visual and psychological barrier to the community.
  • The city requires a better mix of affordable housing, especially in the lower percentile income ranges. We need to keep diversity in the neighbourhood.
  • The 1 day period for city council members to reflect on the recommendation of City Planning Committee is insufficient. Council deliberation should be pushed back to the next full meeting after tomorrow to provide time for better analysis.
Thank you in advance for your consideration of these matters.
Larry Hudon

President, Hintonburg Community Association

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