Please join us at our Annual General Meeting with will be held virtually via Zoom on Thursday, September 23rd, 2021.
Everyone is welcome to attend! Membership must be paid up ahead of the meeting in order to vote.
Join OR renew now for $5/yr.or$20/5yrs
Pre-registration for the meeting is required in order to be sent the meeting link.
Learn what we’ve done over the last year and what we plan to do next year through reports from our President, Treasurer and Committee Chairs. The reports are followed by election of the Board of Directors.
See the 2020 AGM minutes here (to be approved at the 2021 meeting). HCA minutes AGM DRAFT 2018.09.25 HCA AGM draft MINUTES 2020.09.25.docx
Here is our financial situation as of the end of August, 2021