
Found Syringe Statistics

Used syringes continue to be found around the eastern end of Hintonburg and more so in the approaches to our neighbourhood from Dalhousie Ward.

Many of us use Plant Bath, the Trillium pathway and the Somerset bridge on the way to and from Hintonburg, We are keeping a close watch to help ensure the trend is downwards and not increasing. Last year there were issues on Somerset Bridge. There is now a needle drop box on the bridge at the stairs to the MUP.

Below for your interest are some summer numbers from the City. Ward 15 is Kitchissippi and Ward 14 is Dalhousie.


Ward 15 – July 2020 (Final Report)

Ward 14 – July 2020 (Final Report)

Ward 15 – August 2020 (Final)

Ward 14 – August 2020 (Final)



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