Take advantage and participate in CPO’s Virtual Speaker Series. Next up are talks on anti-indigenous racism in Canada and understanding systemic anti-black racism. See details from CPO below.
Anti-Indigenous Racism In Canada: They Couldn’t Make Us Disappear
Beginning with Confederation, Canada has systematically attempted to make “the Indian problem” disappear. Ed Buller will share his knowledge of how Canada’s racist legislation and policies since 1867 have systematically eroded Indigenous culture, spirituality and resources in efforts to “civilize” Indigenous peoples to fit within general Canadian society. In spite of these efforts, they failed although it has resulted in an unsustainable level of incarceration of Indigenous men and women in prisons, marginalization of Indigenous people and persistent run-ins with police.
This presentation will examine federal legislation, such as Treaties and the Indian Act, policies that made Indigenous peoples “wards of the State”, residential schools and the ’60s Scoop. Ed Buller will show that, in spite of everything there continues to be a slow and growing renaissance of Indigenous culture and spirituality.
July 20, 2020 12:00 noon – 1:00 pm
Presenter on Anti-Indigenous Racism: Ed Buller
Register: To ask questions during the Q & A, you must register and participate in the Zoom webinar.
If you don’t wish to register and participate, you may view the session live on CPO’s Facebook page.
Questions? Please contact us at cpo@ottawa.ca for more details.
Presenters’ remarks will be in English only. Questions will be encouraged in both official languages.
REMINDER for the July 13, 2020 12:00 noon – 1:00 pm CPO Virtual Speaker Series
Understanding Systemic Anti-Black Racism: How did we get here? Some of the “shapes” it takes on. What must be done?
The brutal killing by Minneapolis police officers of an unarmed Black man named George Floyd has precipitated outrage and global protest. It has exposed, on a world stage, a reality that racialized Black people, have known and experienced for a very long time: systemic anti-Black racism. The presentation will help participants be better informed on topics such as: the European invention of the myth of “race”, a brief history of Canada’s racist policies including the enslavement of indigenous and Black peoples for over 200 years, evidence of the systemic nature of ongoing anti-Black racism, white privilege and what constructive steps we can take together.
Presenter: Rev. Dr. Anthony Bailey, Minister, Anti-Black Racism Trainer
Register: To ask questions during the Q & A, you must register and participate in the Zoom webinar.
If you don’t wish to register and participate, you may view the session live on CPO’s Facebook page.
Questions? Please contact us at cpo@ottawa.ca for more details.
Presenters’ remarks will be in English only. Questions will be encouraged in both official languages.
We hope you can participate!