Our best wishes to all who live, work and play in Hintonburg as we experience these extraordinary times. We are in this together and all have responsibilities.
The size, scope and impacts of the measures being taken in combatting the COVID-19 virus are enormous. Efforts are unfolding rapidly. We all owe it to ourselves to step up and keep up-to-date in terms of compliance with the advice and directions of public health and other authorities through the links throughout this posting, most importantly from the Ottawa Medical Officer of Health. At minimum we need to:
- Prepare ourselves: ensure we have adequate supplies of food, sanitary goods and medications at hand, for ourselves and our pets, for a two week period
- Wash our hands: do this often, especially after being out, for at least twenty seconds with soap and water.
- Stay home: we need to venture out as seldom as possible, only for essential reasons and stay a minimum of two metres away from folks. Do get out for a walk outdoors, though, just keep your distance from others. This is called social distancing.
None of this means that we should be shunning our friends and loved ones, just that we need to figure out different and safe ways to communicate with and support them for the next while. Indeed we should:
- Stay in touch with family, friends and neighbours: call, email or connect on social media. Check in on those who may be more isolated or vulnerable to offer help, if you can, to make sure they are not feeling alone and that they aren’t going without essentials like groceries and medication.
To stay current on these fast-evolving issues follow Ottawa Public Health by clicking on the link below or following them on Twitter @ottawahealth
The City of Ottawa and the Councillor for Kitchissippi Ward.
So many of the measures and changes that are affecting us originate with the City of Ottawa. There are plenty of adjustments and suspensions to services such as OC-Transpo usage, property taxes, parking regulations and police services that we need to stay apprised by regularly checking our councillor’s excellent ward website or following the twitter accounts @kitchissippiOtt plus Jeff Leiper’s @JLeiper and our municipal web-presence or their Twitter account @ottawacity to stand ourselves in good stead. Councillor Leiper has been collecting names of volunteers to create a pool of keeners that can be wielded effectively if needed. Below are links to the websites.
The Kitchissippi Ward Web-site
West Wellington Business Improvement Area (WWBIA)
Most of the commercial enterprises in Hintonburg are members of the WWBIA. They are working very hard at keeping current on which businesses are closed, what services are available in which mode for those who remain open and what the emerging issues are for our local merchants. You can update yourself by clicking on the link below or following them on Twitter @Wellington_West
Federal Government Actions
Every day new measures on all fronts are being announced by the Government of Canada at numerous press conferences. So many issues are being covered from international trade and travel to Canadians trying to come home. Linking to the page below on the main GOC portal below may be the best method to stay on top of it all.
Federal Government COVID-19 Page
Provincial Government Measures
Here is a similar page covering the Government of Ontario’s efforts. Health is after all a provincial responsibility.
Ontario Government COVID-19 Webpage
Public Safety and Security
We are grappling with the health and safety issues the virus presents us but let’s all beware and be suspicious of potential fraud and criminal exploitation of us during these vulnerable time. Ottawa Public Health and Hydro Ottawa are being impersonated with a view to capturing credit card numbers and important personal data. The scammers are out there and active. Be aware! No one from a health agency or public utility will call you seeking your private details. Challenge those who appear at your door unsolicited. We at the HCA will endeavour to monitor security issues here in Hintonburg.
In Hintonburg: Parkdale Food Centre and Other Community Activities
The Parkdale Food Centre is playing a very important role for many many low-income and vulnerable people in need from the neighbourhood and elsewhere in ensuing that they have enough healthy food for their homes during this period of self isolation and disrupted incomes. They are always a great place to donate to but now may be a critical time if you have an inclination to help make a difference. Click below to find out more.
Many other street-level and micro efforts, too numerous to catalogue, are underway. Through various street resources such as mail-lists, Facebook groups and other assets or just plain old door-knocking, folks are volunteering to help out those that may be in need with services like shopping, appointments etc. Hintonburgers alway step up. Keep up the good work. Let us know about any great stories at info@hintonburg.com
Stay healthy, safe and patient, this could be a long haul. Let’s help keep Hintonburg great!