We work hard to ensure that any new development in Hintonburg is compatible with our community and enhances our neighbourhood. We’re deeply involved in trying to improve municipal policies that determine what is built here and in the city at large so that you can have more confidence in the transparency, fairness, and integrity of the planning approvals process in Ottawa.
As a community association, and together as a community, we have learned a great deal over the years, A growing number of major development proposals are either underway or on the way in Hintonburg. We need to work with developers and the City to ensure projects are appropriate. We are also ready to fight if the interests of our community are ignored.
We are stronger as a community when we are informed and engaged about development issues. Informed citizens help ensure that the City of Ottawa is fully accountable for its planning processes and decisions. This means that the City:
- listens to and addresses our concerns
- meets the highest standards of transparency
- demands excellence from developers in design and quality construction
- ensures direct and tangible community benefits in developments as a condition of their approval.
The Hintonburg Community Association continues to keep a watchful eye on planning for the neighbourhood, especially the Light Rail Corridor development, particularly the upcoming stations at Bayview and Gladstone. A significant number of local building proposals are reviewed every month.
The best way to stay up-to-date on development news in Hintonburg is to sign up for Councillor Leiper’s e-newsletters, which provide a thorough summary of development and zoning information each week. Councillor Leiper’s office also maintains helpful information on his website about current developments in the ward and recordings of open houses on various developments. You may access the Kitchissippi Ward website here.
If you have specific input or concerns regarding the direction of development in our community, we would be happy to hear from you through info@hintonburg.com