May 2022: Check our our brand new Greening Hintonburg Together initiative!
Our physical and mental health are deeply interwoven with our environment. Having trees in our neighbourhood is good for our health, wellbeing as well as the environment. We know that we need at least 40% tree canopy coverage to combat climate change – but parks and greenspace are very limited in Hintonburg, especially as our neighbourhood rapidly intensifies.
The population of Hintonburg is expected to grow exponentially in the coming years. As of 2016, we only had 19% tree canopy coverage. This number has been steadily decreasing since, due to heavy development and LRT construction. Like our tree canopy, we are also losing greenspace. Although the City has a goal of 2 hectares of parks per 1000 residents, we currently only have 0.49ha/1000. This is diminishing even more, with over 3700 more units already approved for construction within Hintonburg, which have yet to be built.
Within this context, the Environment Committee’s objectives are to maintain and improve the quality of our community’s environment by providing action, direction and leadership through:
- Organizing and running events and programs in Hintonburg
- Hosting educational forums
- Reducing waste and pollution
- Advocating to save, beautify and enhance our limited green spaces
- Tree Canopy Regeneration Project & community greening initiative (click here for more details)
Throughout the year, we engage in city policy review related to the environment and collaborate with community groups to stand together to protect our environment and combat climate change. We also run a spring clean-up day, manage recycling and waste at community events and much more!
If you have any concerns regarding Hintonburg’s environment, wish to participate in events or have ideas to contribute we would love to hear from you. Please contact us at and put ‘environment committee’ in the subject heading.