
COVID-19 Updates Are Coming In Fast and Furious

Stage-2 of Ontario’s 3 stage re-opening plan begins this Friday. The Parkdale Market is back with regular vending on June 15th. Day care centres are re-opening. The challenges ahead will require us all to keep apprised of decisions and developments on many fronts.

Social media is great but to stay current on these fast-evolving decisions and developments remember to check these important authoritative websites.

Regarding health matters follow Ottawa Public Health by clicking on the link below or following them on Twitter @ottawahealth

Ottawa Public Health Web-site

The City of Ottawa and the Councillor for Kitchissippi Ward.

Our ward web-site and the City of Ottawa are good places to find up-to-date information on city COVID-19 related service and regulation issues.

The Kitchissippi Ward Web-site

City of Ottawa Web-site

West Wellington Business Improvement Area (WWBIA)

Most of the commercial enterprises in Hintonburg are members of the WWBIA, who are working very hard at keeping current on which businesses must remain closed, what services are available in which mode for those who remain open and what the emerging issues are for our local merchants. You can update yourself by clicking on the link below or following them on Twitter @Wellington_West

WWBIA Web-site.

Federal Government Actions

Every day new measures on many fronts are being announced by the Government of Canada at numerous press conferences and updates.  Linking to the page below on the main GOC portal  below may be the best method to stay on top of it all.

Federal Government COVID-19 Page

Provincial Government Measures

Here is a similar page covering the Government of Ontario’s efforts. Health is after all a provincial responsibility and many businesses are regulated provincially.

Ontario Government COVID-19 Webpage

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